Grants Available
Here is information about grants available to museums. While every effort is made to keep this information as current and complete as possible, it is not exhaustive, and addresses and criteria change frequently. Please contact the granting agencies directly for current information.
(Last updated July 8, 2022).
Department of Sport, Cultural and Heritage
The Province has a new webpage linking to its Grant Programs
Heritage Program Grants
Community Museum Grants Program (deadline June 1 every year)
Provides support for facilities that serve to protect and interpret Manitoba's heritage resources
Program guidelines (PDF)
Community Museums Project Support Program - New Grant Program
The Community Museums Project Support Program has been developed to support the existing Community Museum Grants Program objectives by targeting initiatives that are aligned with key priorities of government and community needs, including: reconciliation, equity, diversity, accessibility, inclusion, COVID-19 recovery and collections management.
Applicants are strongly encouraged to contact the program consultant listed below before filling out an application.
Please send completed applications and all required supporting materials to:
Department of Sport, Culture and Heritage
Community Programs and Services Branch
Main Floor, 213 Notre Dame Avenue
Winnipeg MB R3B 1N3
Or by email to:
Website: Heritage Grants
Program Consultant:
Ms Sheryl Kolt
Museums Analyst
Phone: 204-451-7042
Heritage Grants Program
What is the Heritage Grants Program?
The Heritage Grants Program has been developed to assist Manitobans in identifying, protecting and interpreting the province's human and natural heritage.
Deadlines for applications are January 31 and June 1 of each year.
Who can apply?
Application for funding under this program is open to any not-for-profit, incorporated community organization, local government, university, or First Nation seeking to identify, protect or interpret Manitoba's human and natural heritage. The organization must have been in existence for at least one year.
Individuals or unincorporated groups may apply under the endorsement of an eligible organization. The organization endorsing the applicant must provide a letter of support for the project. The results of the project must be publicly accessible on a non-for-profit basis.
What does it fund?
Eligible projects include Collections Management, Conservation, Exhibitions, and programs (of a non-recurring nature) that seek to identify, protect or interpret Manitoba's human and natural heritage. Eligible projects also include Interpretive Signs, Research and Special Initiatives.
Program Guidelines
Heritage Resources Conservation Grant
What is the Heritage Resources Conservation Grant?
The Heritage Resources Conservation Grant program will support projects that demonstrate a commitment towards the conservation and long-term sustainability of heritage properties legally protected under The Heritage Resources Act or the City of Winnipeg Bylaw 55/2014.
The program prioritizes conservation activities that are in accordance with The Standards and Guidelines for the Conservation of Historic Places in Canada, which establishes a consistent set of conservation principles and guidelines adopted by federal-provincial-territorial heritage agencies.
Who can apply?
In order to receive grant assistance, an applicant must meet at least one of the following criteria:
- Applicant owns, or is a long-term lessee* of, a heritage property legally protected, or ‘designated’, under The Heritage Resources Act.
- Applicant owns, or is a long-term lessee* of, a heritage property legally protected, or ‘listed’, under the City of Winnipeg Bylaw 55/2014, prior to April 1, 2019.
- Applicant is a Municipal government, a professional association or a non-profit organization with charitable status responsible for the management of legally protected heritage properties.
Note: An exception is that Municipal governments or owners of potential heritage sites may apply for Research grants leading to new designations – see Grant Program Categories).
* An applicant who is a lessee with a long-term lease must have written permission from the owner to undertake the proposed conservation project
Program Guidelines
Deadline: January 15
Military Memorial Conservation Grant
The Military Memorial Conservation Grant is intended to assist primarily with conservation work on existing military memorials in Manitoba, with the goal of extending the physical life and commemorative function of the memorials and raising their profile as sites of reflection and commemoration, and as valuable cultural infrastructure in the community.
The program prioritizes conservation activities that are in accordance with The Standards and Guidelines for the Conservation of Historic Places in Canada, which establishes a consistent set of conservation principles and guidelines adopted by federal-provincial-territorial heritage agencies.
Some funding is also available for new memorials that commemorate people or themes not otherwise addressed, for projects to correct or update inscriptions on existing memorials, and to upgrade memorial infrastructure for improved accessibility.
Deadline: February 15 every year
Program Guidelines
Municipal Relations
The Community Development Branch of Municipal Relations works to strengthen community planning and development in neighborhoods, communities and regions across Manitoba by co-ordinating delivery of programs and technical assistance to increase municipal and organizational capacity, assisting municipalities and community organizations in undertaking projects that provide long-term benefits to their communities and encouraging regional approaches.
The Branch provides single window services including capacity-building, advisory and consultative support of community-based and regional organizations and local government. It focuses staffing and on-line resources to assist organizations to be more self-sufficient, strengthen governance and enable improved outcomes including access to programs, grants and resources, in partnership with other departments and organizations.
The Branch also provides a single point of access for grant applications which will reduce red tape for the non-profit sector and that support community partnerships to build vibrant sustainable communities providing a high quality of life for Manitobans. Its Community Development Program consolidates funding and commitments to non-profit organizations and local governments for community development activities, emergency grants, and related partnership projects across Manitoba. The Community Development Program also supports youth employment through the delivery of the Green Team grants.
Renewing the Non-Profit Sector - The Manitoba government is developing a new strategy to build capacity and promote sustainability in the non-profit sector that will guide future provincial investments and inform transformation in community development programs. A new strategy will strengthen the non-profit sector, assisting individual organizations across Manitoba to be sustainable and successful and will ensure Manitoba's non-profit sector is best poised to deliver positive outcomes and increase philanthropy and charitable giving.
Building Sustainable Communities - helps build thriving sustainable communities that provide a high quality of life for Manitobans. The grant leverages investments in community development by local governments, non-profit organizations and others.
Deadline for applications: February 28, 2021
CLOSED - no longer accepting applications
Trails Manitoba
These grants are designed to advance the trail system to reap both social and economic benefits to Manitobans. The projects funded through these grants will also focus on enhancing the environmental perspective of trail users through intentionally directed educational experiences devoted to the responsible use and conservation of natural resources.
Visit Trails Manitoba website.
Deadline: January 13, 2023
Canadian Heritage Funding Opportunities
Funding - Culture, history and sport:
Community Services Recovery Fund - NEW for 2023
The Community Services Recovery Fund is a $400 million investment from the Government of Canada to support charities and non-profits as they focus on how to adapt their organizations for pandemic recovery.
Now more than ever, charities and non-profits are playing a key role in addressing persistent and complex social problems faced by all Canadians. Community Foundations of Canada is working with community foundations across Canada and in collaboration with the Canadian Red Cross and United Way Centraide Canada to provide funding from coast to coast to coast.
The fund will support Community Service Organizations including non-profit organizations, Indigenous Governing Bodies and Registered Charities located in Canada. The Community Services Recovery Fund was built to respond to what charities and non-profits need right now and support them as they adapt to the long-term impacts of the pandemic.
Canada Arts and Culture Recovery Program - NEW for 2022
This grant will be allocated on a "first come, first served basis" so APPLY NOW.
Here is some helpful information:
- Getting Started; How-To Videos, Portal Overview, Tips and FAQ
- Guide de démarrage Vidéos Pratiques, Aperçu du portail, Conseils et Foire aux questions
- MAP Infographics (EN)
- MAP Infographics (FR)
- MAP Recovery Fund Portal User Guide 2022
While the grant is being administered through MAP the usual set of criteria has been changed to make the monies more available to more organizations. Here is the eligibility criteria from their website:
In recognition of the exceptional circumstances created by the COVID-19 pandemic, the Museums Assistance Program (MAP) has temporarily modified eligibility criteria for this funding.
Both incorporated and unincorporated organizations and groups can apply.
To be eligible for funding, your organization must meet 1 or more of the following requirements:
- be a not-for-profit organization such as a museum, an archive, or a historic site (including those that operate seasonally and those without full-time staff)
- be an Indigenous organization or official language minority community organization
- be a municipal or university museum with a distinct budget
To be eligible, applicants must also meet all of the following requirements:
- manage a heritage collection
- provide public access through regular hours of operation (including on a part-time or seasonal basis)
- have had annual expenses in 2019 (or your last completed pre-pandemic fiscal year) between $2,000 and $1,000,000
Here visit the Canada Arts & Culture Recovery Program website.
If you have additional questions, or require assistance contact:
Thomas McLeod, AMM Executive Director, at 204-947-1782 or
Kate Johnson, Senior Program Advisor for Canadian Heritage, at 306-201-5423
Application Deadline: TBA
Supporting Arts and Live Events Workers in Response to COVID-19
The Government of Canada is putting measures in place to support the sectors that have been the hardest hit by the COVID-19 pandemic, including live arts and music sectors.
Details on Supporting Arts and Live Events Workers in Response to COVID-19
COVID-19 and support measures for the culture, heritage and sport sectors
Learn about the immediate action the Government of Canada is taking to provide support measures and financial relief for the culture, heritage and sport sectors.
COVID-19: Support for the culture, heritage and sport sectors
The Department of Canadian Heritage is pleased to inform you that The Museums Assistance Program (MAP) is now accepting applications for assistance with ongoing operating costs through the Reopening Fund for Heritage Organizations. This assistance will help heritage organizations that have felt the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic as they reopen and safely welcome back visitors. For full details on program eligibility and information on how to apply, please visit Reopening Fund for Heritage Organizations. Please review the Program Guidelines prior to submitting your application.
Not-for-profit organizations with a heritage collection, such as museums, archives, and historic sites, may be eligible to receive funding. Indigenous organizations with a heritage collection are also encouraged to apply. Organizations can receive between $1,000 and $100,000 in emergency support.
Applications for the 2021 Reopening Fund for Heritage Organizations will be accepted through the new Canadian Heritage Funding Portal (CHFP). In order to proceed with your application, you must have completed the Applicant Profile section, which includes uploading required documents.
Clients who submit an application will receive an automatic acknowledgement message confirming receipt of their application. Remember to check your junk mail folder and contact us if necessary.
Our team is available to assist you with the new process from Monday to Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (Eastern Standard Time). While the deadline to apply for funding is TBA, applicants are encouraged to apply early as funds are limited.
Telephone: 1-866-811-0055
TTY (Teletype for the hearing impaired): 1-888-997-3123
Objective: The Museums Assistance Program (MAP) supports heritage institutions and workers in the preservation and presentation of heritage collections. MAP provides financial assistance to Canadian museums and related institutions for activities that::
- facilitate Canadians’ access to our heritage;
- foster the preservation of Canada’s cultural heritage, including the preservation of representative collections of Aboriginal cultural heritage; and
- foster professional knowledge, skills and practices related to key museum functions.
The CCSF seeks to improve physical conditions for artistic creativity and innovation. It is also designed to increase access for Canadians to performing arts, visual arts, media arts, and to museum collections and heritage displays. The Fund supports the improvement, renovation and construction of arts and heritage facilities, and the acquisition of specialized equipment as well as conducting feasibility studies.
Canada Cultural Investment Fund
Projects supported through the Canada Cultural Investment Fund are intended to contribute to the organizational, administrative and financial health of arts and heritage organizations. This is achieved through support for initiatives intended to diversify revenue streams, strengthen management capacities and ensure that arts and heritage organizations are supported in their communities for the contribution they make. The program has four components that work together in achieving these objectives: Endowment Incentives, Cultural Capitals of Canada, Strategic Initiatives and Limited Support to Endangered Arts Organizations.
Canadian Heritage provides financial support for activities organized during the Celebrate Canada period, from June 21 to July 1. These activities celebrate National Aboriginal Day on June 21, Saint-Jean-Baptiste Day on June 24, Canadian Multiculturalism Day on June 27 and Canada Day on July 1.
Building Communities Through Arts and Heritage
The Building Communities Through Arts and Heritage Program was created to help you celebrate your community, its past and its present. The Program will increase opportunities, through festivals and other events and projects, for local artists and artisans to be involved in their community and for local groups to commemorate their local history and heritage.
Virtual Exhibits Investment Stream
The Virtual Exhibits investment stream helps Canadian museums and heritage organizations develop online products that engage audiences of all ages, interests and abilities in Canada’s history, heritage and culture.
Community Stories Investment Stream
The Community Stories investment stream helps smaller Canadian museums and heritage organizations work with their communities to develop virtual exhibits that engage online audiences in the stories, past and present, of Canada’s communities.
The Canadian Museums Association (CMA) is a proud delivery organization for the Young Canada Works (YCW) program. YCW provides funding to employers to create jobs for students and internships for graduates, all while bolstering the capacity of museums and heritage institutions.
National cost-sharing program for heritage places
The National Cost-Sharing Program for Heritage Places is open to owners and eligible lessees of national historic sites, heritage lighthouses and heritage railway stations. The Program continues to support the Parks Canada Agency's mandate of protecting and presenting places of national historic significance, and fostering the public's understanding, appreciation and enjoyment of these places in ways that ensure their commemorative integrity for present and future generations.
Les bourses d’études et subventions de Francofonds
Bourses d’études
Les bourses d’études de Francofonds appuient des programmes d’études postsecondaire ou des programmes spécialisés qui sont entrepris par des gens engagés à la communauté francophone au Manitoba. Les requérants doivent présenter leur demande en ligne au plus tard le 15 septembre annuellement.
SVP, consultez le guide du requérant ci-dessous pour les critères d’admissibilité et d’éligibilité.
Les organismes communautaires à but non lucratif qui sont engagés à la communauté francophone et le français au Manitoba ou les auteurs/artistes/compositeurs francophones qui sont engagés à la communauté francophone au Manitoba peuvent présenter une demande de subvention à Francofonds. Les requérants doivent présenter leur demande en ligne au plus tard le 15 septembre annuellement.
SVP, consultez le guide du requérant ci-dessous pour les critères d’admissibilité et d’éligibilité.
Pour tout autre renseignement, composez le 204-237-5852 ou sans frais
1-866-237-5852 ou envoyez un courriel à
The Winnipeg Foundation (TWF)
Stabilization Grants
Our community’s charitable organizations continue to experience an uncertain future due to the ongoing impacts of COVID-19.
Stabilization Grants is a special grant program that will support the short- and medium-term financial needs of local charitable organizations affected by revenue loss and unexpected expenses due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The program is open to all Winnipeg-based registered charities, regardless of any current or past grants from The Winnipeg Foundation.
We recognize need in our community is great and expect applications will surpass our resources. Not all applications will be funded, despite their merit.
Maximum request: $50,000
Due: March 31, 2021, 4:30 p.m.
COVID-19 Grant Response
The Winnipeg Foundation is committed to supporting our community during this uncertain time. Their grant response to COVID-19 is evolving as implications of the pandemic unfold.
Their grant response will have three stages:
- Emergency Support – Round 1 (March-July, 2020) $2.6 million was distributed and Round 2 (fall 2020) $700,000 was distributed to Winnipeg charities through The Foundation’s COVID-19 Emergency Grants and the Government of Canada’s Emergency Community Support Fund.
- Stabilization – $8.9 million was distributed through the Stabilization Grants program in July. The 2021 Stabilization Grants intake will open in mid-February. Stabilization 2021 Grants to address the impacts of COVID-19 on local charities. Application Deadline: March 31, 2021
Recovery – Organizations may apply to the One-Time Community Grants program for regular projects and programming, or COVID-19 related response and recovery. Sign up for their Grants eNews to learn about upcoming grant intakes.
Community Grants
Many on-going granting opportunities of varying amounts are available through The Winnipeg Foundation. Please visit their website for all information.
The Thomas Sill Foundation provides grants throughout Manitoba.
Registered charities may obtain an application form by phoning or emailing the Foundation office, at which time a preliminary discussion will determine eligibility. Grants awarded may be capital, operating or project in nature. Successful applicants must wait two years before submitting another request.
There are no deadlines by which applications must be submitted. The Foundation meets regularly to render decisions and attempts to process completed applications within two months of receipt of application.